

NII検索 検索条件 和洋区分 図 書 雑 誌
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1Medieval Jewish civilization : an encyclopedia / Norman Roth, editor. -- Routledge , 2003. -- (Routledge encyclopedias of the Middle Ages ; v. 7).図書
2Das heutige Menschenbild : Entwrfe und Anstze / herausgegeben von Maja Svilar.. -- P. Lang . -- (Kulturhistorische Vorlesungen ; 1987/88).図書
3Die Vernunft frisst ihre Kinder : Zeitgeist und Zerfall des modernen Weltbilds / Wulff D. Rehfus.. -- Hoffmann und Campe .図書
4The philosophical discourse of modernity : twelve lectures / Jrgen Habermas ; translated by Frederick Lawrence ; : hard, : pbk. -- 1987. -- (Studies in contemporary German social thought ).図書
5Communications and history : theories of media, knowledge, and civilization / Paul Heyer. -- Greenwood Press , 1988. -- (Contributions to the study of mass media and communications ; no. 10).図書
6Reality isn't what it used to be : theatrical politics, ready-to-wear religion, global myths, primitive chic, and other wonders of the postmodern world / Walter Truett Anderson ; : alk. paper. -- 1st ed. -- Harper & Row , 1990.図書
7Sources of the self : the making of the modern identity / Charles Taylor ; : cloth, : pbk. -- 1989.図書
8Knowledge and decisions / Thomas Sowell.. -- Basic Books.図書
9Western civilization since 1500 / Walther Kirchner. -- Barnes & Noble , 1958. -- (College outline series ; no. 111).図書
10The legitimacy of the modern age / Hans Blumenberg ; translated by Robert M. Wallace. ; pbk.. -- (Studies in contemporary German social thought).図書
11L'Egypte littéraire de 1776 à 1882 : destin des antiquités et aménité des rencontres / Daniel Lançon ; préface d'Yves Bonnefoy. -- Geuthner, 2007.図書
12中心の喪失 : 危機に立つ近代芸術 / ハンス・ゼードルマイヤー著 ; 石川公一, 阿部公正共訳. -- 美術出版社, 1965.図書
13The troubles with postmodernism / Stefan Morawski ; with a foreward by Zygmunt Bauman ; : hc. -- 1st ed. -- Routledge , 1996.図書






